Quantum Alliance
Consortium of German Clusters of Excellence and research centers working in quantum science and technology
Discover the cutting-edge research within the Quantum Alliance, the various support programs for early career researchers and young investigators offered at participating institutions, and check out the upcoming events for the scientific community from academia and industry as well as for the broader public.
Visit the
Institutions page for more details.
Important notice
Beware of spam emails claiming to be from the Quantum Alliance. Only emails from info(at)quantum-alliance.de are official. Verify the sender carefully and report suspicious messages.

Quantum Research in Germany
This map offers an overview of all Clusters of Excellence and research centers participating in the Quantum Alliance, covering Germany's most important centers in quantum science and technology (QST). Research in QST is also done at other locations in individual research groups at universities, research institutions as well as in companies. Alltogether Germany offers a very rich landscape in quantum research covering all fields of quantum science and technology at various locations and institutions. It is worth learning more!
Have a look at the Quantum Alliance flyer.
News & Events
Quantum Alliance at the APS March Meeting 2025
Meet us at the APS Global Physics Summit 2025 to get an insight into the German quantum landscape.
Quantum Alliance at the DPG SAMOP Spring Meeting
Meet us in Bonn at the DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section.
Quantum Alliance at Quantum Effects 2024
Meet us at the Quantum Effects conference to gain an insight into the German quantum landscape.
Quantum Alliance Community Networking Event
A networking event for the quantum science community.