Getting Started in the Quantum World
There are many different ways to enter the fascinating quantum world and to explore the matter and energy at the most fundamental level. Quantum phenomena are all around us, acting on every scale. You may just have started your career at your University or have already become an expert on your field.
On this page you'll find a variety of possibilities for High School students:

Universität Hamburg | Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) |
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter | European XFEL
School labs
School labs at the University of Hamburg offer students from the 5th grade upwards the opportunity to conduct research and experiments under authentic conditions and professional guidance.
If you are interested in research, then the Schülerforschungszentrum Hamburg is the right place for you. Here you can pursue your research interests in a free and cooperative atmosphere.

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) | Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
Masterclasses - JMU Würzburg
MASTERCLASSES are workshops where pupils from the 9th grade onwards can be physicists for a day, get insights into the everyday work of a scientist and be part of current scientific research. They can be held on site at school or at University of Würzburg. If interested, please contact:
Showcase - Insight into our Research - ct.qmat
The SHOWCASE provides a glimpse into our research. The scientists of ct.qmat are investigating the puzzles of quantum materials. What groundbreaking results they reveal and why extreme conditions prevail in our high-performance laboratories – this SHOWCASE will provide you with a fascinating insight in an entertaining way.
Orientierungsstudium - JMU Würzburg
Those who would like to study physics, but do not yet know what to expect, have the opportunity to participate in the orientation study. Here you can get a taste of different fields of study for one semester. Lecturers from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy show that physics is more than just a vocational training with excellent career prospects.
Orientierungsstudium MINT (OSM) - TU Dresden
With the OSM, you have the chance to get a taste of the various STEM degree programs. This includes the opportunity to attend lectures, participate in workshops and excursions and take exams. The pilot phase is scheduled to start during the winter semester 2023/24.
Sommerschule - JMU Würzburg
In five days of summer school, interested students can experience the mysteries of physics for themselves, gain an insight into current research at JMU and find out why studying physics is not only a lot of fun, but also has a great future.
QUANTube-Science break - ct.qmat
In this monthly video series doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat explain quantum physics simply in YouTube videos starting as of January 2022. The videos are based on questions that have been sent to ct.qmat by players of the mobile game "Kitty Q–a Quantum Adventure".

Universität Stuttgart | Universität Ulm | Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
School Lab „Spiel der Kräfte”
Our motto is "Today's pupils are tomorrow's scientists". We would like to connect pupils with scientists already at a young age, convey physical methods in a clear and playful way, and encourage them to carry out experiments.

University of Cologne | RWTH Aachen | University of Bonn | Research Center Jülich
Physikwerkstatt Rheinland
The Physikwerkstatt Rheinland comprises a variety of projects. Here, students and teachers get an insight into physics research at Bonn University.
Student Labs at RWTH Aachen University
These adventure sites aim to make it easier and more attractive for pupils of different ages to access the various STEM subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology at an early stage.
Student Lab at the Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne
A place where students actively investigate exciting questions from many areas of the natural sciences by independent experiments. Interested?
Student lab JuLab at Forschungszentrum Jülich
JuLab bridges the gap between school knowledge and up-to-date cutting-edge research.

LMU Munich | TU Munich | MPI of Quantum Optics | Walther-Meissner-Institute | Deutsches Museum
PhotonLab - The MPQ Student Lab
Since 2011, MPQ PhotonLab has been the go-to place for all those who want to learn about light and lasers. More than 2000 people vistit us every year, and with our digital resources you can even try out and learn about some of our experiments at home.
LMU München Programme für Schülerinnen & Schüler
Was machen Menschen, die Physik machen? Sie erforschen, sind neugierig, hartnäckig, sie messen und rechnen. Mit anderen Worten, sie wollen etwas wissen, suchen nach Antworten auf Fragen über die Natur. Wer will das nicht? Neugierig geworden?
quantum minutes - science straight from the lab
In the video series Quantum Minutes, researchers from the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology explain complex quantum phenomena in just a few minutes. They break down the fundamentals of quantum science in an easy and understandable way, from the basics of quantum theory to the technologies that may soon change our everday lives.

Leibnitz Universität Hannover | TU Braunschweig | Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. | Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
The LeibnizLAB is a van filled with optical experiments. Teachers can request a visit from the LeibnizLAB team, who will then deliver experiments directly into the classroom, allowing pupils to learn about scientific work early. The service is free of charge for the schools.
PROTOYS – our project workshop
Getting to know scientists and research facilities at the university level awakens a fascination for science and technology at a young age. PhoenixD opens its laboratories to pupils. The selected topics for the projects are independent of curricula, thus methodologically very broad and interdisciplinary in content.
Voluntary Academic Year (FWJ)
High-school graduates can complete a so-called Voluntary Academic Year (FWJ – Freiwilliges Jahr in der Wissenschaft) between school and university or vocational training at PhoenixD. They take part in the daily life at an institute, work on their own projects and exchange information in regular seminars.

Leibniz Universität Hannover | TU Braunschweig | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) | Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. | University of Bremen, ZARM
Praktikum Für Schülerinnen und Schüler
The Leibniz ForscherWerkstatt in cooperation with institutes of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics offers places for a two-week internship. Students plan and carry out experiments on their own, explore the university and, if possible, visit research laboratories. Students give a presentation about the experiences at the end.
foeXlab – das DQ-mat Schülerlabor
foeXlab is an out-of-school lab for upper grade secondary school students. It is aimed at going beyond the limits of traditional classroom physics. Our foeXlab lab courses are designed to provide a first glimpse into quantum physics. Special issues are inquiry-based learning methods approaching advanced optics, including computer aided experimenting.
QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses
QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses are one day workshops at the university on modern topics of quantum metrology for high school students. Based on the knowledge and skills they already have from school, students can do experiments for themselves, learn about new physics topics and see how science is done.
QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses compact
Masterclasses compact are materials for upper school teaching that are lent to schools. They contain as a central element a student experiment, such as a Michelson interferometer, with worksheets and information for teachers as well as additional material on research in the Cluster of Excellence.
Freiwilliges Wissenschaftliches Jahr (FWJ) am QUEST Institut
The QUEST Institute at PTB offers students the opportunity to gain an insight into basic research in physics within the framework of the FWJ. They will learn the experimental basics of a modern quantum optical experiment and can deepen these in their own projects according to your interests.