Quantum Alliance News

This pages features news and press releases from the Quantum Alliance, as well as from each of the participating institutions (each element is marked accordingly). Check this page regularly for the latest updates.


International Conference Spotlights New Quantum Phenomena: CT.QMAT24 puts Dresden at the Center of Quantum Physics

About 250 scientists from 14 countries will explore the latest findings from pioneering global research at the International Conference on Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter CT.QMAT24 in Dresden from September 23 to 27, 2024.

18 September 2024 | ct.qmat


Quantum Talents Munich Symposium - Promoting opportunities in quantum science

The first-time event brought together exceptional PhD candidates and early-career postdocs from around the world to present their research in quantum science and technology. Organized by the Munich quantum community, the two-day symposium aimed to foster knowledge sharing, collaboration, and career development.

16-17 September 2024 | MCQST


Method Milestone for Quantum Physics: Rapid Test for Topological 2D Materials

Topological quantum materials are hailed as a cornerstone of future technological advancements. Yet, validating their exceptional qualities has always been a lengthy business. However, researchers at the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have now developed an experimental technique that systematically identifies two-dimensional topological materials through a rapid test.

23 August 2024 | ct.qmat


PhoenixD team develops a new method to combine conventional internet with the quantum internet

The team of Prof Dr Michael Kues has developed a new transmitter-receiver concept for transmitting entangled photons over an optical fiber: The four researchers send entangled photons and laser pulses of the same color over a single optical fiber for the first time. This breakthrough could enable the next generation of telecommunications technology, the quantum Internet, to be routed via optical fibers. The quantum Internet promises eavesdropping-proof encryption methods that even future quantum computers cannot decrypt, ensuring the security of critical infrastructure.

2 August 2024 | PhoenixD


Exzellent Erklärt Podcast: Quantum Simulation

The behaviour of individual atoms and molecules can be predicted quite well in quantum physics. However, this becomes more challenging when many particles come together and collective effects play an important role. In this area, many questions remain unanswered. Quantum simulation—not on the computer, but in the laboratory—helps to address these questions. For example, researchers aim to understand how high-temperature superconductors work and whether this knowledge could enable superconductors to operate at room temperature one day.

In the 45th episode of the ExzellentErklärt podcast, MCQST researchers offer insight into the interdisciplinary work within the cluster.

15 July 2024 | MCQST

The entrance area to the new special exhibition 'Light and Matter': Visitors enter the exhibition as © Deutsches Museum | R.Krause

New ‘Light and Matter’ exhibition at Deutsches Museum turns quantum physics into tangible matter

In the new special exhibition ‘Light and Matter’, quantum optical phenomena are now being illuminated and made tangible at the Deutsches Museum. With numerous objects, in scenoramas and many hands-on stations, the exhibition shows how the understanding of the interaction between light and matter has changed over the last century. As part of the Cluster of Excellence Munich Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), the exhibition also offers an insight into current research and an outlook on future applications.

19 June 2024 | MCQST


Kitty Q – A Quantum Adventure: Germany’s First Quantum Physics Escape Room for Children Opens in Dresden

+++ Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat unveils Germany’s first quantum physics-themed escape room for youngsters in Dresden +++ Kitty Q – A Quantum Adventure at Technische Sammlungen Dresden offers a gamified exploration of quantum physics +++ Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony, has agreed to act as patron +++

25. April 2024 | ct.qmat


Extremely Robust & Ultra-Sensitive: Topological Quantum Device Produced

A significant breakthrough has been achieved by quantum physicists from Dresden and Würzburg. They’ve created a semiconductor device where exceptional robustness and sensitivity are ensured by a quantum phenomenon. This topological skin effect shields the functionality of the device from external perturbations, allowing for measurements of unprecedented precision. Published in Nature Physics.

18 January 2024 | ct.qmat


#researcHER: International elite of female physicists visit Würzburg

This summer, the Hubland Campus of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg became a hub for female quantum physicists from around the globe. From July 31 to August 2, 2023, they gathered at the behest of the Grete Hermann Network, part of the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat.

06 September 2023 | ct.qmat


Teaching award for Elena Hassinger: Unpacking the impact of gender stereotypes on scientific careers

Dresden-based cluster professor Elena Hassinger has received TU Dresden’s 2023 Diversity-Aware Teaching Award for her interdisciplinary seminar “The Big Bang Theory Syndrome: Why should we care about stereotypes?” The English-language seminar aims to raise students‘ awareness of gender stereotypes, sharpen their perception, and professionalize their interactions.

09 August 2023 | ct.qmat

230421_QuantumBW_05 © Uni Stuttgart

Launch of QuantumBW – The Länd of quantum technology

Baden-Württemberg presented their Quantum Initiative on April 21 at the Center for Applied Quantum Technology (ZAQuant) @University of Stuttgart. Under the umbrella of QuantumBW, Baden-Württemberg bundles and strengthens research activities and initiatives from science and industry in order to bring quantum research into application more quickly.

21 April 2023 | IQST

Artistic illustration of the chip-integrated quantum light source for the generation of entangled photons. © Raktim Haldar/Michael Kues

Quantum light source goes fully on-chip, bringing scalability to the quantum cloud

The new development is scalable and suitable for use in photonic quantum computers. An international team of researchers from Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), the University of Twente (Netherlands), and the start-up company QuiX Quantum has presented an entangled quantum light source fully integrated for the first time on a chip.

17 April 2023 | PhoenixD

Two researchers standing behind a microscope in a laboratory. © Sonja Smalian/PhoenixD

Leibniz Universität Hannover and TÜV NORD jointly research tap-proof satellite communication

With the advent of quantum computers, which have significantly higher data processing rates than classical computer systems, the digital encryption methods currently used can be decrypted and will no longer be secure in the foreseeable future. The Institute of Photonics (IOP) at Leibniz Universität Hannover and ALTER TECHNOLOGY, a company of the TÜV NORD GROUP, have agreed on a research cooperation to close this security gap.

5 April 2023 | PhoenixD


Funding for secure and reliable transmission of quantum data

Interception security and much higher computer performance - these are two promises of quantum communication technology. A consortium coordinated at Universität Hamburg is receiving nearly one million euros in funding for the development of practical quantum networks.

10 October 2022 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter


New directions in quantum technology

Twisting quantum systems in such a way that they become altogether more stable against external disturbances and could serve as components of quantum computers in the future: That is the goal of Dr. Thore Posske from the Department of Physics at Univerität Hamburg. Posske has been awarded a Starting Grant of around 1.5 million euros from the European Research Council for his project, "QUANTWIST".

26.09.2022 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter

6 square heat maps. UHH/ Benno Rem

Conference in Hamburg: "Machine learning in natural sciences: from quantum physics to nanoscience and structural biology"

The cluster "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter" hosts the "Machine Learning in Natural Sciences: From Quantum Physics to Nanoscience and Structural Biology"-Conference between 19 and 22 September in Hamburg. It aims to bring different scientific communities that are exploring the new possibilities of machine learning together in order to connect and share experiences.

White cat with fur covered by a geometric pattern. © C. Hohmann / MCQST

New Fur for the Quantum Cat

Be it magnets or superconductors: materials are known for their various properties. However, these properties may change spontaneously under extreme conditions. A team of researchers from MCQST (TU Munich) and ct.qmat (TU Dresden) have discovered an entirely new type of such phase transitions. They display the phenomenon of quantum entanglement involving many atoms, which previously has only been observed in the realm of few atoms.

5.09.2022 | MCQST & ct.qmat

In the 15th episode of the German podcast series Ⓒ Exzellent erklärt/Oliver Melchert

Exzellent Erklärt Podcast: Computer simulations - Using models to gain knowledge in optics

PhoenixD spokesperson Prof. Dr. Uwe Morgner, research associate Dr. Oliver Melchert and doctoral student Stephanie Willms gave an insight into their research work in the 15th episode of the German podcast series "Exzellent erklärt". The three experts in the simulation of optical, i.e. light-based phenomen, use computers to calculate physical laws so precisely that their predictions complement practical experiments and, in some cases, make them redundant. In addition to experiment and theory, this so-called third pillar of science is becoming increasingly important as computing capacities continue to grow.


First cross-regional Center for Quantum Photonics (QPhoton) established

QPhoton, a nationally unique competence center, is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. QPhoton combines the competences in photonic technologies at the University of Jena and the know-how on quantum systems at the Center for IQST in Stuttgart and Ulm to boost imaging and sensing techniques by and for quantum technology.


Fit for quantum

Making young scientists fit for quantum technologies: The universities in Augsburg, Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Munich, Regensburg, and Würzburg will each receive around 144,000 euros in funding from the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria.


Exzellent Erklärt Podcast: Quantencomputer – Wie nah sind wir der Anwendung?

In the ninth and most recent episode, Larissa Vassilian talks to ML4Q members, Sebastian Diehl and Michael Köhl. They explain some quantum mechanical phenomena, like superposition and entanglement, providing insight into the slightly different views of the theorist as opposed to the experimentalist. They shed some light on their work in the ML4Q cluster in order to help understand and create network architectures for quantum computers. There are many problems to be solved – including, for example, the question of how quantum computers can be networked together, even though the quantum states they need to function are difficult to keep stable.

Listen to the podcast.


EIN Quantum NRW

North Rhine-Westphalia joins forces to establish a hub for quantum science and technologies. Education, Innovation, Networking in quantum science and technology – these are the goals of the new quantum computing network “EIN Quantum NRW”, which bundles the expertise of universities, non-university institutions as well as industrial partners in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Strontium atomic cloud at a few millikelvin above absolute zero in PTB‘s optical lattice clock. © C. Lisdat / PTB

Quantum Alliance at the APS March Meeting

The Quantum Alliance is attending the largest physics meeting in the world in 2022! For the first hybrid March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), more than 12.000 physicists will get together online and in Chicago from March 14th to 18th. Under the umbrella of the initiative Research in Germany, Quantum Alliance will provide detailed information on the German physics research landscape.


Mobile World Congress 2022

Excellent research proofs to be an internationally requested engine for new technologies. So, the ecosystem around QuantumFrontiers is reaching out to attendees from over 180 countries as part of the European Quantum Flagship at the Mobile World Congress 2022 in Barcelona.


Quantum Alliance at Virtual European Career Fair

On 17. Feb 2022, the Quantum Alliance will be present at the MIT European Career Fair to talk with early-career scientists about the many great opportunites for quantum research in Germany. Participants can ask questions, engage in 1-on-1 discussions, and view job postings as the Quantum Alliance's virtual booth.


Different paths to develop quantum computers

Quantum research in North Rhine-Westphalia is taking different paths to develop the most powerful freely programmable quantum computers. Numerous universities and research institutes are involved.


How to get a job in a quantum industry

Professor Rainer Müller and Franziska Greinert from QuantumFrontiers asked different industries what their future employees need to know about quantum topics. As part of the European Quantum Flagship the two scientists compiled the demands into qualification profiles. The profiles show what skills are needed to handle the technologies for economic use.

Munich Quantum Valley Gruppenbild mit allen Präsidenten Ⓒ Christoph Hohmann

Munich Quantum Valley Successfully Established

In the presence of Bavaria’s Minister-President Dr. Markus Söder, the Bavarian Science Minister Bernd Sibler and the Director General of the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Dr. Sabine Jarothe, the founding document was signed at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities today by the presidents of the partner universities and scientific organizations.


PhD Conference 2022

The Quantum Alliance and IMPRS-QST are organizing a conference for PhDs from April 27-28! The event will take place in Munich at Messe München during the World of QUANTUM trade fair. You will have the opportunity to connect and share your research through poster sessions, talks and other activities.


Exzellent Erklärt Podcast: Quantenwissenschaft – Grundlage der Technologien von morgen

Quantum physics pushes the limits of our imagination, but builds the foundation for revolutionary new technologies. Two researchers from MCQST, Harald Weinfurter and Kai Müller , discuss this in the latest episode of "#exzellenterklaert – Spitzenforschung für alle".

Listen to the podcast.


Researchers at Universität Hamburg will build the quantum computer

Quantum computers promise considerable advantages over classical digital computers for certain tasks. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is now funding a project to develop a quantum computer with around €25 million. The total project volume amounts to €29 million. Just under ten million euros of this go to the Institute for Laser Physics at Universität Hamburg.


Quantum Alliance Community Networking Event

The event brings together PhDs and PostDocs from the quantum research clusters and centers within the Quantum Alliance. You will have the opportunity to (re-)connect with young scientists from all over Germany and get insights into the job market for PhDs and Postdocs.

10.11.2021 | Online/Zoom


Shaking up fermions into higher Bloch bands shapes new generation of quantum simulators

For the first time, researchers at Universität Hamburg have loaded a fermionic quantum gas of neutral atoms into selected higher Bloch bands of an optical lattice. The work sets the stage for new fundamental insights into fermionic superfluidity in the presence of orbital degrees of freedom.

15.07.2021 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter


Munich Conference on QST 2021

The Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2021 (MCQST2021) brings together its scientific community from all career-stages with international guests in academia and industry to strengthen the exchange of ideas and discuss the latest advancements in all fields of quantum science and technology (QST). Register now to attend the conference!

7.06.2021 | MCQST

Planned design for the research building © HENN

Germany Grants the Optics University Center and Campus at Leibniz University Hannover

German Science Council recommends an investment of 54.2 million Euro to build the research building OPTICUM. With the OPTICUM, LUH brings together under one roof research activities in the fields of optics, production technology, materials development and computer science that have existed for decades.

23.04.2021 | PhoenixD

Graphical representation of a single atom trapped with two crossing optical resonators inside a vaccum chamber. © C. Hohmann / MCQST

Tracking for quantum post

Even though quantum communication is tap-proof, it is so far not particularly efficient. MCQST rearchers from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics want to change this. They have developed a detection method that can be used to track quantum transmissions.

29.03.2021 | MCQST


IQST Board Member Stefanie Barz talks about Quantum Computing in the latest Podcast with Dorothee Bär

In an interview with Dorothee Bär, Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor and Federal Government Commissioner for Digitalization, Stefanie Barz @ University of Stuttgart & IQST explains the phenomenon of Quantum Computing.

02 April 2021 | IQST

Graphic representation of a condensate of light enters a new dissipative phase separated from usual lasing by a true phase transition. © Martina Markus / Marketing University of Cologne

A new state of light

ML4Q researchers from the groups of Martin Weitz and Johann Kroha in Bonn have published a Science paper on their new observation of a new phase transition of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate. 10 years after discovering the Bose-Einstein condensate, the researchers observed an overdamped phase, a previously unknown phase transition within the optical Bose-Einstein condensate.

30 March 2021 | ML4Q

The graphic visualises quantum mechanical interference, also called the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect. © Michael Kues/Anahita Khodadad Kashi

Chromatic light particle effect revealed for the development of photonic quantum networks

PhoenixD member Prof. Dr. Michael Kues and his team member Anahita Khodadad Kashi demonstrate a novel photonic interference effect that could pave the way to large-scale controllable quantum systems.

19 March 2021 | PhoenixD

20210215_NatureComm_AndoRosch © Felix Münning, Oliver Breunig, Henry F. Legg et al./ Nature

Quantum confinement of the Dirac surface states in topological-insulator nanowires

ML4Q researchers from the Ando lab and the group of Achim Rosch as well as cooperating partners from the Department of Physics at the University of Basel and the Institute for Physical Chemistry at the University of Cologne have published a Nature Communications paper on quantum confinement of electron wave-functions when wrapped around topological-insulator nanowires with a diameter of ~20nm.

15.02.2021 | ML4Q

Twisted van der Waals materials offer enormous potential for fundamental research, materials science and quantum technologies. © Jörg Harms / MPSD

Twisted van der Waals materials as a new platform to realize exotic matter

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, the RWTH Aachen University, and the Flatiron Institute, Columbia University and part of the Max Planck – New York City Center for Non-equilibrium Quantum Phenomena have provided a fresh perspective on the potential of twisted van der Waals materials for realizing novel and elusive states of matter and providing a unique materials-based quantum simulation platform.

2 February 2021 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter

Reimund Neugebauer, Bernd Huber, Thomas O. Höllmann, Markus Söder, Martin Stratmann, Thomas F. Hofmann, Bernd Sibler und Hubert Aiwanger (von links) © Bayerische Staatskanzlei

Kickoff for the Munich Quantum Valley

The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology supports the new research initiative - the Munich Quantum Valley. Bavaria's leading scientists and universities kick off the new research initiative to promote quantum science and develop new quantum technologies, with the development of quantum computers and interception-proof communication methods as core goals. The Free State of Bavaria is supporting the project with 300 million euros

11 January 2021 | MCQST


Transmon platform for quantum computing challenged by chaotic fluctuations

Three ML4Q members joined efforts to discuss chaotic fluctuations in superconducting transmons. In their recent paper, the authors from the groups of Simon Trebst, Alexander Altland and David DiVincenzo investigate the possibility to balance intentional disorder (to protect qubits) and nonlinear resonator couplings (to manipulate them) given the challenge of chaotic fluctuations.

15 December 2020 | ML4Q

Illustration of a molecule interacting with the quantum vacuum field inside an optical cavity. © Enrico Ronca, Jörg Harms / MPSD

Changes in molecules interacting with quantum light

A team of researchers from Italy, Norway, and Germany has demonstrated that the properties of molecules undergo significant changes when interacting with quantized electromagnetic fields in optical cavities. Using novel theoretical methodologies and computational simulations, the team revealed that the ground- and excited-state chemistry of molecules can be modified by a confinement in space.

10 December 2020 | CUI: Advanved Imaging of Matter

Shelves filled with books in an old book store from the city of Bilbao. © Unsplash / Inaki del Olmo

Quantum Alliance researchers on Highly Cited Researchers™ 2020 list

Quantum Alliance researchers are named among the best in their fields on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2020 list from Clarivate.

8 December 2020 | Quantum Alliance

The Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat explores new quantum materials that reveal surprising phenomena under extreme conditions - such as ultra-low temperatures.  pixelwg/Jörg Bandmann

Freeze like a Star! Web Exhibition Explores the Mysteries of the Quantum World

Colder than in outer space, higher pressure than 30 sperm whales on a stamp, and super magnets that could hold two Eiffel Towers: The search for new quantum materials-the materials of the day after tomorrow – is taking place today under extreme conditions. Yet it is often difficult to understand what the researchers actually do in their high-performance laboratories. ct.qmat presents the web exhibition “SHOWCASE–Insight into our Research”.

09 December2020 | ct.qmat

Read more


MCQST's Digital Advent Calendar

In December, counting down the days to the start of the holiday season, MCQST opens daily another door to a new story introducing members of its community. The advent calendar introduces many talented and dedicated people within the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, who comprise the fascinating world of quantum research in Munich.

Discover the stories


Virtual STEM Career Fair

Interested in doing quantum science and technology research in Germany? Then visit the Quantum Alliance booth at the STEM Virtual Fair organized by Research in Germany on November 24th.

24 November 2020 | Quantum Alliance

Grafical illustration of a crystal disk with quantum bits and reflected infrared light. © C. Hohmann / MCQST

Quantum modem for the future quantum internet

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have developed the basic technology for a new "quantum modem". It will allow users to connect to a future quantum internet that is based on the existing fibre optic network infrastructure.

5 November | MCQST

PhD students working at his dinning table with his black cat sitting on table. © C. Dickel

ML4Q Blog Stories - New Blog Series

How do you start a blog? By writing on how hard it is to start a blog! ML4Q has launched its new blog series with a story by Christian Dickel on writing in science, the power of the written word and the satisfaction of holding a book in your hands – especially when it is your book!

Blog Series | ML4Q


Quantum Valley Lower Saxony initiative to start in 2021

QuantumFrontiers supports the new quantum initiative "Quantum Valley Lower Saxony", which is set to start on the 1st of January 2021. The federal state of Lower Saxony, together with universities and research institutes, is developing a quantum computer by 2025.

2 October 2020 | Quantum Frontiers


Quantum Alliance Community Event

The event brings together PhDs and PostDocs from the quantum research clusters and centers within the Quantum Alliance. It aims to give participants the chance to get an overview of the broad scope of quantum research in Germany and to provide a platform for networking and exchange with their peers.

11 - 12 November 2020 | Quantum Alliance


Center for IQST holds IQST Day online

The annual event brings together the IQST community to share the latest advancements in quantum science and technology and to strengthen our network. The program includes exciting keynote talks from academia and science highlight talks by IQST early-career researchers.

12 October | IQST

Scientists working on a laser tabletop in ne of the quantum research laboratories at LMU München. © Jan Greune / MCQST

Bayern wagt den Quantensprung

Die Bayerische Staatsregierung legt zur Förderung der Quantenwissenschaften und -technologien (QWT) mit etwa 120 Millionen EUR in den nächsten 2 Jahren einen wichtigen Grundstein für die Zukunftstechnologien in Bayern.

14 September 2020 | MCQST

Prof. Bernhard Roth (right), Managing Director of the Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies (HOT) and member of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD at Leibniz University Hannover with his research assistant Christoph Wetzel (left) in the laboratory with blue-green algae samples. ©: Sonja Smalian/PhoenixD

Team of Hannover Physicists Develops Rapid Mobile Test for the Detection of Toxic Blue-Green Algae

Scientists of Leibniz University Hannover (Germany) are part of a research project to achieve significant financial savings in water testing - waterworks, municipalities and bathing lake operators are to benefit.

12 August 2020 | PhoenixD

Artistic representation of topological energy bands in engineered quantum system via periodic driving. © Christoph Hohmann / MCQST

Driven Topology

Physicists from LMU München and Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics together with an international team succeeded in realizing a novel genuine time-dependent topological system with ultracold atoms in periodically-driven optical honeycomb lattices.

10 July 2020 | MCQST

The illustration shows two superfluids separated by a barrier. Their wave nature allows the superfluid particles to oscillate back and forth between the two sides. © Electron Studios, UHH, Moritz

A "breath of nothing" provides a new perspective on superconductivity

Scientists from Universität Hamburg and the Cluster of Excellence "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter" have succeeded in observing strong evidence of superfluidity in a central model system, a two-dimensional gas cloud for the first time.

9 July 2020 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter

Close-up of person wearing red sneakers climbing metal stairs.

Research in Germany - Virtual Career Fair

Are you a junior researcher in the field of QST and looking for your next career step? Then visit the the Quantum Alliance booth at the international online career fair organized by Research in Germany on July 7th.

7 July 2020 | Quantum Alliance

Night panoramic view of Munich's old town. © Joerg Lutz

Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2020

The annual event brings together the MCQST community with international guests in academia and industry to strengthen the exchange of ideas and discuss the latest advancements in quantum science and technology.

6 -8 July 2020 | MCQST

Graphic representation of trapped and freely moving excitons and electrons. © UHH/Schmelcher, MPQ München

Playing billiards with excitons – a milestone towards quantum simulators

In a collaboration of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Munich with colleagues at Universität Hamburg and ETH Zürich, scientists completed a work that can explain a successful quantum simulation of certain properties of an ultra-flat semiconductor.

18 June 2020 | CUI:Advanced Imaging of Matter & MCQST

Digital illustration of particles and waves. © Pixabay

Mit Wumms ins Zeitalter der Quantentechnologien

Die Quantum Alliance begrüßt die richtungsweisende Initiative der Bundesregierung zur Förderung der Quantentechnologien im Rahmen des Konjunkturpakets.

15 June 2020 | Quantum Alliance

Valery Rubakov. © Personal Archive

Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics 2020 goes to Valery Rubakov

The Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics is one of the highest endowed awards for physics in Germany. The prize will be awarded to Rubakov in November in Hamburg by the Joachim Herz Foundation in cooperation with...

15 June 2020 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter

Peter Schmelcher. © CUI / Peter Garten

New international research network on quantum dynamics

Quantum dynamics in physics and chemistry is the focus of an international research network that has been recently established. The theory group at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies at Universität Hamburg plays a key role in this newly founded network.

19 May 2020 | CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter

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